Vision and Mission

Vision: Turn talents into creative opportunities and communities into centers of innovation.

Mission: To nurture and support every child’s unique talents, empowering them to achieve personal success and contribute to transforming their communities.

About DC Kids

Dream Chaser Kids focuses on helping children discover their talents, build strong relationships, experiment and learn through hands-on activities, overcome adversity, and gain momentum toward achieving their dreams. The program fosters young entrepreneurs, engages communities, and creates a vibrant future through educational content, community building, and practical experiences.

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About Me (In a few words)

My faith has taught me that I’m more than enough. So, I lean into the possibility I can create for others, especially children—those who still dream, imagine, and excite hope in others. That’s me, today!

An Unexpected Spark

Dream Chaser Kids started unexpectedly at a friend’s summer camp in 2019. I had no idea that volunteering to guide 100 children from K to 12th grade would spark Dream Chaser Kids. Since then, over 700 students at Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, the YMCA, and The Math and Science Academy have seen an increase in confidence and pathways.

An Problem Worth Solving Together, Today.

As a father of three, I quickly learned what excessive screen time was doing to our children. Then I became curious. What happens when a generation of passive consumers become adults in an AI future? According to researchers like Patricia Greenfield at UCLA, they will likely suffer from reduced critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, motivation, and social skills. 

That’s not a future we want for our children or any child.

Instead, what if they were active creators who used their God-given talents to do well for themselves and do good for others? 

Join Our Learning Community 

Curious to see the impact of our learning approach? Explore the Lab for parent research, case studies and testimonials to discover how people like us prepare young minds for the road ahead. 

More About Me

I’m a God Chaser, hip-hop head, author, nerd, and certified foodie who loves travel, gardening, and getting lost in the magic of Disney. Our home in Orlando, FL, is where the magic and messiness of life happen. With my baby mama, bride, and best friend of 16 years, we raise three caffeinated squirrels—ages 6, 8, and 13. When we’re not doing something planned, our favorite pastime is chill time. 

My time with SIFE (now Enactus) taught me how to help learners, including my children, turn their talents into confidence. Today, I combine my corporate, and ministry experiences to partner with parents and educators who help confident children become capable adults. 

Meet The Fam!

Raising children is not for everybody. But for those who have and those who are, it’s a front-row seat to watch new love and new life unfold. You get to witness first words, first steps, and individuality while navigating the challenges and rewards of each stage. It’s a journey that molds you as much as you shape them, filled with moments that test, strengthen, and ultimately redefine your understanding of love, faith, respect, and responsibility.

Between those adorable and annoying moments, they’re just kids figuring things out through their unique lens of the world.

The Joy of Watching Kids Figure Stuff Out

From $500 bike to Fashion Insider

Top Talents: Artistic Creator, Passionate Performer, and Social Connector

Project Playbook: Branded Shop (2019)

Initial Goal and Project Launch

In 2019, 8-year-old Imani set her sights on a $500 bike. Rejecting the idea of a simpler toy, she decided to earn the money herself by using her artistic talents and love for fashion. Thus, iStyle.Fashion was born, featuring a personalized sketchbook and fashion designer kit.

Surprising Success

Imani’s blend of artistry and entrepreneurial spirit quickly resonated with her audience. In less than a month, this social butterfly double her goal and learn a lot alone the way. But, she opted to save her earnings rather than spend them immediately.

Evolving Aspirations

Now 12, Imani’s ambitions have grown. Her early success has pivoted her interest toward the fashion world. She’s exploring a summer internship at a fashion agency, ready to explore new challenges and opportunities.

From Five And Below or $2 Everything Store

Top Talents: Eager Learner, Problem Solver, Innovative Explorer

Project Playbook: The Everything Store (2023)

In 2023, Aniyah, an imaginative 8-year-old, decided to create her store after a disappointing visit to her favorite shop, Five and Below, where rules limited customers to one item each. Inspired to make her own rules, she gathered various items around her house into a box, aiming to sell them. Excited by her initiative, I asked, “Where are you selling all this?” 

With a confident smile, Aniyah was ready to take her first step into entrepreneurship. 

Press play to see how things unfold.

Nehemiah, living his best life at six

Top Talents: Artistic Creator, Passionate Performer and Problem Solver

Imagine if Spider-Man decided to enter a dance contest and play soccer with anything remotely ball-shaped—that’s a day in the life with our son. We’re just here to enjoy the show.

The Dreamland Adventures

During the pandemic, I turned to writing to help handle the ups and downs of being a parent. I created this book as a way for young kids to learn about the importance of helping others—showing them that real success means giving back too.

Nehemiah’s Quest

This story is about Nehemiah, a young boy on an adventure to find the Five Dream Stones. Each stone stands for important values in life: Discovery, Relationships, Experiment, Adversity, and Momentum. With help from his older sisters, he tries different ways to solve problems, learning from what doesn’t work and becoming stronger for it.

Engaging Young Minds

This book isn’t just a story; it’s a way for parents and kids to talk about important things like respect, learning, and being a leader. It’s a tool to help discuss how to be successful while also caring about and giving back to the community.