Welcome Parents To Legacy!

Legacy, formerly “The Lab,” began with parents who were struggling to identify and nurture their children’s strengths. We came together in ad-hoc research groups, sharing challenges and ideas. Through this collaboration, the free TalentExplorer was created—a tool designed to help parents uncover their child’s natural strengths and potential.

Reimagining Legacy Around Three Key Areas

As usage of the TalentExplorer grew, we realized the need for something greater—something that addressed the needs of parents raising confident children into capable adults. Since then, Legacy has been reimagined around three key areas designed to help parents build a lasting foundation for generational change:

1. Strengthening Ourselves

You can’t pour from an empty cup too long. At Legacy, we believe taking care of ourselves is key to being the best parents we can be. It’s all about leading from a place of confidence and not scarcity.

2. Raising Confident Kids
It’s easier to raise a child than fix an adult. We’re all about raising confident, capable kids who are ready for whatever’s next. By sharing tips and learning from each other, we help our kids grow into the best versions of themselves. For example, Parents swap ideas on building their child’s public speaking skills or how to nurture their strengths.

3. Making a Global Impact

Legacy isn’t just about our families—it’s about making a difference in the world. Together, we’re advocate for big-picture impact that leave a lasting mark for future generations. By doing so, we model what it means to be global citizens.

Carrying Forward the Legacy

Our grandparents made the most of what they had, creating a foundation for a brighter future. Now, it’s our turn to do the same for the generations that follow. This belief drives Legacy, a free community where parents come together to exchange ideas, tackle challenges, and celebrate successes in raising talented children who will shape tomorrow.

By joining a community focused on long-term impact, our children gain the skills, confidence, and resources they need to thrive today and lead tomorrow.

Legacy Details and Benefits

  1. Session: Join one 30-minute session in a small group of no more than four parents.
  2. Admissions: Receive 2 free weeks toward any learning plan.
  3. Charitable Gift: To extend the impact of your time and perspective, a $10 donation will be made to a charity of choice.

After the live session:

  • Join the Legacy Community: Access the collaborative spaces to enhance your experience.
  • Google Classroom Access: Enjoy complimentary curriculum offerings designed to inspire and educate.
  • Early Access to New Programs: Priority entry to the latest tools, courses, and resources.

Prospective members should meet the following qualifications: 

  1. TalentExplorer: Ensure your child’s TalentExplorer is complete to unlock their potential in Legacy.
  2. Lifelong Learning: Busy parents can become better people. 
  3. Collaboration: Embrace collaboration, and actively contribute to our community.

Parents Guide The Moments That Matter For Students

Your ongoing feedback and insights also guides our ongoing improvements on tools for confidence building. 

Click the floating question mark anytime for a detailed FAQ section, including what to expect, the fun factor, and applications review process.

Privacy is Our Priority: Rest assured, all your personal information, data, and feedback will be treated with utmost confidentiality. Learn more about our privacy practices.

Need More Info?

For further questions or clarifications email at hello.

Create Opportunities and Celebrate Impact Together

  • For example, a parent might share strategies they used to build their child’s confidence in public speaking, which other parents can then adapt to their own situation. These shared experiences create a rich pool of resources that all members can draw from, making the journey of parenting more collaborative and less isolating.
  • For instance, TalentExplorer is used by AfroTechxcel, a Nigerian nonprofit that tailors STEM curricula for women and girls based on their learning abilities. Inspired by this, Legacy parents can advocate for expanding similar international collaborations.
  • Through Legacy, parents collaborate on long-term projects aimed at creating generational impact. For example, we might work together to establish a scholarship fund for children in underserved communities, ensuring that future generations have access to the same high-quality learning opportunities.