Dream Circle

Alone Is Hard. Together Is Better.

Your Hand-Picked and Homegrown Circle

Students earn a monthly income through their private newsletter sent to supporters of their dreams.

Raising a confident child, or two, takes a lot of effort. But when you do it together, it’s way less stressful on parents and more pleasant for children. But that’s not all. A study in the journal Pediatrics found the presence of trusted adults during childhood is linked to positive health outcomes and resilience in adulthood. Simply said, children not only do well emotionally, academically, and socially, but those outcomes continue into adulthood. 

Your child’s Dream Circle is your hand-selected group of relatives and friends celebrating your child as they navigate their Dream.

How It Works:
Circle members subscribe monthly to a front-row seat, from TalentExplorer to Project Playbooks and beyond.

Step 1: Setup your PayPal account

If you’ve received an admissions email, set up a PayPal account to securely manage the financial side of their child’s subscriptions. This step ensures that all contributions from Circle members are organized and easily accessible, teaching kids the basics of financial management.

Step 2: Invite your Dream Circle

Use one click to invite your Dream Circle. Each month Circle members get a private newsletter celebrating your Dream Chaser as they learn, build, and launch their project.

Step 3: Ongoing Support for Subscribers

Each member of the Dream Circle, be it a grandparent, sibling, a family friend, or a mentor, subscribes to a monthly contribution up to $20. This commitment goes beyond financial support; it’s an investment in your child’s potential and a direct endorsement of their projects and ideas.


One Circle Different Sizes

The size of each Dream Circle is based on the learning plan that best fits your child’s needs.

With just ten members, Circle contributions could amount to $200 each month. This regular income can be saved, fund projects, giving initiatives, and more. It’s a practical lesson in earning and managing money.

Share the Dream!
