AI and Me

In an AI-dominated world, imagination and creativity are essential for future success. The “AI & Me” course by Dream Chaser Kids is a 12-week program that empowers underserved youth aged 6-17 to explore AI’s impact on their lives and future careers. By integrating interactive games, project-based activities, and talent mapping, the course nurtures students to become creators and innovators, preparing them for a rapidly evolving technological landscape.

Your Pathway to AI Career Exploration

Course Impact

  • Understanding AI’s Impact: Children explore AI’s influence on everyday life and future careers through interactive games and project-based activities, making complex concepts accessible and engaging.
  • Talent Mapping: By identifying their top talents, children can see how their unique skills align with future careers in an AI-driven world.
  • Developing Key Skills: Emphasis on adaptability, creativity, and resilience prepares children to thrive in a rapidly changing technological landscape.

Course Alignment

The “AI & Me” course directly supports the goals of promoting STEM education and preparing youth for an AI-dominated future. By fostering critical skills such as creativity, adaptability, and resilience, this course aligns with initiatives aimed at reducing educational disparities and empowering the next generation of innovators.

Class Details

Enrollment is limited to 8 students online or 15 students on-campus. Choose dates that are better aligned with your learner’s schedule. Online or on-campus options with special pricing for sibling and groups of 8 or more.

  • Days/Times: M-F/Morning, Noon, Afternoon
  • Duration: 60 minutes
  • Ages: 6-8, 9-11, 12-14, 15-17 
  • Tuition: $20/wk or $220 (1 free week)


This class will explore how AI impacts daily life and future careers, using games and project-based activities to develop each child’s unique talents. Students will understand the relationship between AI and areas such as leadership, creativity, innovation, and problem-solving.

Learning Structure

Interactive and learner-centered, emphasizing engagement and practical application:

  • Engaging video clips will introduce topics about the role of AI.
  • Discussion-based learning to encourage critical thinking.
  • Game-based learning about AI caters to various learning styles.
  • Role-playing allows everyone to learn from each other, which is crucial for social learning and communication skills.
  • “Future Me Festival” where students showcase their learnings and future aspirations.

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this class, your child will have a firmer grasp of AI’s role and a clearer vision of how their talents can thrive in a future with world-changing technology. This class is perfect for nurturing a child’s curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking in the context of the ever-evolving world of artificial intelligence.